VSUES digital monitoring system praised at International Scientific Conference

A team from the Information Technology Support Centre and the Training Analytics Department of VSUES presented its own project at the International Spring Congress of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers. The conference was held on 19-20 May in Kirov.
The congress focused on import substitution in educational institutions. Research projects related to big data analysis and aimed at addressing the strategic objectives of the «Priority-2030» program were presented. The VSUES delegates were able to attend visionary lectures from leading international experts in the field of artificial intelligence.
«Monitoring learning activity» compares the student''''s initiative with the group average and gives an alert in the form of a color signal in the personal cabinet: green — learning activity is good, yellow — requires attention, red — learning activity is very low and there is a high probability of academic arrears at the end of the semester.
— Our university is new to learning analytics, but at the conference, the experts said that we had chosen the right area to develop this area at the university. Now the project is at the stage of testing and collecting feedback from users. We can see that many students, especially those with a responsible approach to the learning process, are interested in using the service. We are planning to add a rating to the dashboard, so that you can keep track of your position in the study group, in the department and at the university, says Georgii Zavalin, a first-year master''''s student in Business Informatics.
Participation in the international congress helped the creators of the algorithm to look at their project from a different perspective, gather opinions from professionals and identify further points of growth. The development team is now considering the idea of generating a system of personalized recommendations for each user.