VSUES IT team in the top 7 of the sports programming tournament

50 teams gathered in Vladivostok at the CODE work Challenge 2022 sports programming tournament. Students and schoolchildren from the city took part in the competition.
In five hours, IT students had to solve problems on the CATS online platform, using various programming languages: JAVA, C++, Python, Kotlin, Pascal. The team from the Department of Information Technologies and Systems also decided to prove themselves. The 2nd year students of the Information Systems and Technologies field represented VSUES.
— The knowledge of mathematics and skills acquired during the study of various disciplines related to programming helps in such competitions. Most of the tasks were about working with lines, searching for paths, compiling counting algorithms, says Vladimir Kulkov.
As a result of the competition, the students managed to be among the seven best teams. Such tournaments toughen the students, teach them algorithmization, dynamic programming, data structures and threads, and a great number of other skills for writing working code.