VSUES students and staff take part in International Day of Yoga

The VIII International Day of Yoga was celebrated in Vladivostok on Tsesarevich Embankment. A workshop for city residents was organised by the Consulate General of India. University students and teachers took an active part in the event.
The celebration opened with a speech by the Consul General of India in Vladivostok, Mr Sai Murali. He stressed that a healthy mind is as important for a person as a healthy body.
— The topic for this year and our event is Yoga for Humanity. As our esteemed Prime Minister Narendra Modi pointed out, the Covid-19 pandemic has made us all realise the importance of health and immunity in our lives. I believe that yoga is a holistic approach that gives not only physical immunity but also psychological immunity to any negativity affecting well-being. The need for this was highlighted during the pandemic. Every healthy person is important to all humanity. And so I believe that yoga will save the world, yoga will save humanity, said Mr. Sai Murali, Consul General of India.
For an hour and a half, trainers from Vladivostok's leading yoga centers held a joint lesson for all comers, sharing their practices and insights, from warm-up to relaxation, under the sound of sea waves.
— It has become a good tradition for VSUES students, faculty and staff to participate in various events organised by the Consulate General of India in Vladivostok. This time we gladly accepted the invitation to join a yoga master class, said Yulia Kravchenko, Head of the International Academic Mobility Department.
Olga Bogova, leading specialist of the International Academic Mobility Department, said that a special feature of this International Day of Yoga was the live broadcast of the event in India from various Indian embassies and consulates around the world. Vladivostok was among the first cities to open the baton for a healthy lifestyle through yoga.
— Despite the windy and overcast weather, there was a warm and cordial atmosphere on the promenade, all thanks to the professionalism of the trainers and the active, enthusiastic participants. Our sincere thanks to the Consulate General of India for organising such a positive event, thanked Olga Bogova.