School of Education and Linguistics students develop an educational course for Chinese schoolchildren . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

School of Education and Linguistics students develop an educational course for Chinese schoolchildren

20 июля 2022 International Relations

Students from the VSUES School of Education and Linguistics for Chinese schoolchildren prepared an educational project about student life, holidays, omens and superstitions.

Cao Fenmin, a 2021 graduate in linguistics, came up with the idea for the course. Now she works as a Russian language teacher in China and asked her former lecturers to help her collect material on Russian culture and traditions.

Russian 3rd-year students of the Linguistics major, studying Chinese, and Chinese 1st-year students of the Linguistics and Pedagogical Education directions, studying Russian, created the project.

— The project is designed into six modules: education in Russia, cuisine, superstitions, the history of Vladivostok, holidays, and leisure activities. Four of them are already fully ready. Our students were delighted with the idea of creating the course, and approached the work on it with ingenuity. The topics were chosen independently, I think this is the right thing to do, because the course is for young people, they know best what will be in demand. The course is in Chinese, as it is oriented to the initial level of knowledge of Russian. All audio material in Russian has been translated into Chinese in the form of dubbing or subtitles. The work turned out to be useful for all students, because in the process they themselves practiced the foreign language, communicated and shared their knowledge, said Irina Ankudinova, senior lecturer of the Department of Intercultural Communications and Translation Studies.  

On 15 July, the project was presented to the lecturers of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies.

— Everyone was pleased with the course. The idea was to continue working together on this project as part of the diploma project as well. Next academic year, the course will be launched on the educational platform Stepik, once it has been further developed. Our connection with the graduates is very strong and productive, and we are happy that we can be useful to each other, summarized Yulia Konovalova, director of the School of Education and Linguistics.