An exhibition with a Japanese color opens at VVSU

October 27, the international exhibition «Art Practices in the Japanese Morimoto Garden» opened in the renovated halls of the VVSU Museum and Exhibition Complex. The main character of the collected works is the Toyama-Vladivostok Friendship Garden, which turned 21 this year.
Morimoto Japanese garden has a special aura of creation. This is what the photographers and designers who worked on the exhibition tried to convey.
– Today, we are opening an exhibition inspired by the feelings and impressions of the garden of stones named after the famous Japanese patron Yoshio Morimoto. Together with the president of our university Gennadii Lazarev, they managed to create a space built according to all the traditions of Japanese landscape art, said First Vice-Rector of VVSU Sergey Golikov. – The atmosphere there has a positive effect on people and inspires them for creativity. I thank all the authors of the exhibition for the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful works.
The exhibition is truly multidimensional. In the halls of the MEC there are photographs, installations, collages, chigiri-e (the technique of torn paper applique), costume design and interior design. Of particular interest is the experiment of creating ikebana directly in the space of the garden and from the plants growing in it. Participants in the exhibition were teachers and students of the university, as well as photographers and designers of the city.
– With the freshmen of the College of Fashion and Beauty Industry, we did an experiment in a Japanese garden. I put up ikebana, and they took pictures of them. It is quite difficult to photograph flowers, because each of them has its own character. We got wonderful works, which you can see in the exposition, – said Natalia Lichmanyuk, curator of the exhibition, chairman of Primorsky Krai branch of the Union of Russian Designers.
As Nadezhda Sukhareva, Director of the Museum and Exhibition Complex, underlined, the Toyama-Vladivostok Friendship Garden gives originality to our city, inspires artists and designers to create, and is available to all residents and guests of Vladivostok.