VVSU students of international relations on «Roads of friendship»

VVSU students of «International Relations» visited the Primorsky Regional Public Library. A. Gorky at an event dedicated to the Russian-Vietnamese friendship. The organizers were the Representation of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Vladivostok and the Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
The Consul General of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in Vladivostok, Nguyen Dang Hien, delivered a welcoming address at the meeting. His address was in Russian, which once again underlines the high role of cultural exchange and interest in the Russian language and culture by our Vietnamese friends.
The main idea of the event was to acquaint the residents of Vladivostok with Vietnam and its rich culture - the Vietnamese Society of the Primorsky Territory came to the aid of the organizers, which introduced the audience to the national dances and songs of the Vietnamese people.
The participants of the meeting noted that cooperation between Vietnam and Russia is multilateral and includes politics, trade, defense, culture, education and science.
Students of specialty «International relations», shares impressions:
– The event was very interesting, as information about the economic cooperation between Vietnam and Russia, the interests of the states were presented. Moreover, we have been able to literally touch the culture of Vietnam, because the representatives of that country have approached this aspect in detail. The guests were shown several dance and vocal numbers, as well as introduced to traditional cuisine during the buffet.
– My impressions of such an event are extremely positive. I was interested to learn more about Vietnamese culture (we could even try Vietnamese cuisine). Moreover, this interest is not just ordinary, but professional, because the field of international relations is my specialty. I enjoyed it very much and I hope that this event will take place again next year.