Interest in Russian literature united VVSU and Jawaharlal Nehru University

The international multidisciplinary conference «Philology in the modern world: perspectives for Russia and India» was organized by the University of Irkutsk and the Centre for Russian studies of Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India.
The conference was held to mark the 75th anniversary of Russian-Indian friendship. Three members from Vladivostok represented the delegation from Primorsky Education, including Irina Tregubova, teacher of Russian language and literature at the Academic College, IT-hub of VVSU College.
There are about 10,000 students at Jawaharlal Nehru University, and 320 at the Centre for Russian studies study the Russian language. Classes are held five times a week. The level of language is very high. The students easily name the heroes of the works they have read by A. Pushkin, A. Chekhov, F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev, M. Zoshchenko, A. Akhmatova, S. Esenin and many other Russian writers and poets.
In the section «Russian-Asian literary ties», where Irina Tregubova was a moderator, her report «The image of India in the picture of the world of poets of the Silver Age» was performed, which was highly appreciated by the organizers of the conference. In addition, Irina held for undergraduates and graduate students studying Russian, a lesson in Russian literature, where Indian students got acquainted with the story of the writer V. Korolenko «Ogonki», learned to analyze the text through its visualization. Surprisingly, the students managed to understand both the philosophical and symbolic basis of the work.
We hope that the friendly relations established during the conference, the desire to continue scientific, cultural relations between Vladivostok State University and Jawaharlal Nehru University will be continued. There is already a proposal by Yulia Konovalova, director of the School of Pedagogy and Linguistics of VVSU, to hold a videoconference with students aimed at continuing friendship and cooperation between India and Russia, New Delhi and Vladivostok.