A Business Play “Countdown” took place in VVSU as A Part of the Federal Project “University Technological Enterprise Platform”

A team of graduate and postgraduate students of the Pacific National University (PNU, Khabarovsk) brought to VVSU the business game “Countdown”. It became the key event of the accelerator program “Cognitive technologies for making a successful entrepreneur in the business environment of the Asia-Pacific region.” The program is being implemented under the federal project “University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform.”
Within the program, students of various majors participated in online classes dedicated to startup technologies for a month. Then the students had to present and defend their projects in front of an audience in a face-to-face format. Otherwise they had to manage to assemble a group during the game, generate business ideas and formulate an implementation project. The students remained pleased with the event.
VVSU successfully cooperates with the Pacific National University, as one of the leading universities in the region, where engineering areas of training have a long history. The universities intend to continue interaction successfully and develop educational, scientific, and innovative components in joint work.