Foreign and Russian students of VVSU staged “Cat’s House”

Foreign and Russian students of VVSU decided to sum up the results of the past year with a theatrical performance of the “Cat''s House” by Samuil Marshak. The roles were played by students from Inner Mongolia, Egypt, China and other countries. The actors were supported by Russian students majoring in Linguistics.
As Galina Kasyanenko, an officer of the Institute of Pedagogy and Linguistics, said, staging plays is a long-standing tradition, which began with the play “Cinderella.” After several years of break, it was decided to resume the useful experience.
“Senior and first-year students and even students from the preparatory department for foreign citizens took part in the performance. Rehearsals lasted 2.5 months. The main and secondary characters and the dancers rehearsed separately. At the dress rehearsal they all met and were very happy with each other,” shared Galina Kasyanenko.
The performance turned out to be bright and exciting. The actors managed to convey the emotions of the characters perfectly, to maintain the rhythm of the poetic speech. Rare errors only added charm and made the audience smile.
"We play the roles of a pig and a beaver who put out a fire, we like them. Of course, the hardest thing was to learn the words, but conveying my emotions was also not easy. This is the first time we play on stage, we are very excited. Now we are already in our 4th year, but we want to continue our studies in master’s or even graduate school,” said students from Inner Mongolia Wang Xuei and Bo Qianlong.
The dances of families of pigs, chickens, goat kids, and a real fire dance added a zest to the performance! At the end of the performance, all actors received well-deserved applause.
The main roles were played by:
Aunt Cat - Suvd Jargalsaikhan (Mongolia)
Cat Vasilii - Nikita Marchenko
Kittens - Hamed Omar (Egypt), Tsenguun Batmunkh (Mongolia)
Goat couple - Mousa Yahia (Egypt) and Daria Kovaleva
Chicken - He Yige (China)
Rooster - Amir Hamza (Bangladesh)
Pig - Wang Xueyi (China).