VVSU international students participated in World Youth Festival in Sochi

March 1-7 2024 the World Youth Festival was held in the city of Sochi. The event was attended by 20 000 talented Russian and foreign young people. Among them were VVSU students too.
Suvd Jargalsaikhan is a student from Mongolia, a 1st year student at the Institute of International Business, Economics and Management. Suvd speaks Russian perfectly. Her mother and her older sister also studied in Russia. They often talked about this, taught Suvd poems and Russian songs. Suvd’s sister now teaches Russian at a university in Mongolia.
We asked the guys to share their impressions and this is what they say.
– I really liked this festival. After participating in the World Youth Festival, I learned the answers to my questions: Where am I? Who am I? What can I do? The most important thing is to be kind, kind to everyone. I attended many events within the festival, almost all of them. Most of all I liked the art workshops, it was very interesting there. I have never participated in such a festival. To express in words: the brightest moment, the best friends, the best city!
Hao Linlu, VVSU student from China:
– This is my farthest trip from my homeland. I have never gone so far before. Sochi is a city of greenery and very interesting plants. And the Festival is a fantastic! Everything is bright, beautiful, people are smiling. And what impressed me most was learning how many countries and how many people there are in our world. And, of course, we all need peace!