VVSU International Students Completed Practical Training in Vladivostok Schools

Third-year students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Linguistics of VVSU spent the summer very productively. Future teachers tested their professional skills during their pedagogical practical training in the summer camp at school No. 63 in Vladivostok.
Practical training gives students excellent pedagogical experience of working in educational organizations, develops creative abilities and teaches how to build successful communication with the younger generation. As noted by the head of the practical training, senior lecturer of the Russian language department of VVSU Olesia Voronina, this experience is especially useful for foreign students of the university.
“This mutual learning is beneficial for everyone. For a month, the students worked in the summer school camp, where they held various events, both according to the school plan and independently. We heard a lot of great feedback from all sides: the school teachers are happy, the children and their parents are happy,” Olesia Voronina emphasized.
School No. 63 with advanced Chinese language study is a long-standing partner of VVSU. Thanks to close cooperation, both schoolchildren and students of VVSU from China can improve their knowledge of the language learn more about the culture of both countries, and find out a lot of new things.
Student Kan Wenxi shared that the relationships in the teaching staff and between the children were so warm and friendly that she was sorry that her practical training was so short.
"I think that we did a good job with the training practice. We regularly organized active recreation for the children, played Chinese games with them, took the children to the beach, to museums, to the library," Kan Wenxi noted.
For a student from China, Yan Haoliang, the teaching internship was not easy. The third-year student had the greatest difficulty communicating with children. Thanks to the internship, the young man developed patience and attention, as well as the ability to listen and respect the opinions of children.
Student Shen Huimin said that she felt confident and was familiar with the process from on the second day of the internship.
“The main thing I understood during the internship is that each child is unique and requires an individual approach. I learned to recognize the symptoms of stress in children, learned about well-established system of organizing a summer camp. We were pleased with ourselves, the school, the internship, and the children. All the goals set were achieved. I believe that the internship was a useful and important stage in our development as teachers, as translators, and as individuals,” Shen Huimin concluded.