The most delicious day: "Borscht Festival" was held for VVSU students and staff

The fifth "Borscht Festival" was held in at the foot of Mount Pidan. 20 teams met on the festival field, five of which were represented by students and teachers of VVSU. The festival participants prepared different types of borscht.
This year the event turned out to be truly international. International students from China, Laos and Uzbekistan, who study at the preparatory department, as well as undergraduate and graduate students assisted Russian students and teachers.
Inna Klochko, Director of the Institute of Creative Industries of VVSU, noted that several years ago the university offered to organize a festival as a tool for promoting the Novonezhinsky rural settlement. Over the past five years, the event has found many fans and has become traditional.
"Such events are not just a way to spend leisure time. They unite university students and help them to get to know the teachers better," Inna Klochko shared.
The College of Service and Design of VVSU surprised the festival participants with an exquisite borscht with a Far Eastern delicacy cucumaria (sea cucumber). The team of the College of Fashion and Beauty Industry of VVSU amazed everyone with borscht with stewed beef. The team of the Department of Design and Technology of VVSU pleased the guests of the event with a classic borscht with beans.
"I really liked this holiday. We met Russian students, helped them cook borscht. I am from Uzbekistan, and such dishes are not very common here. I knew that borscht is made from meat, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and beets, but the guys added seaweed to the borscht - it was surprising and very tasty for me! Now I know how to cook Far Eastern borscht! Thanks to the teachers and students!", - shared her impressions a student of the preparatory department of VVSU Anora Orif kizi Rakhmatullaeva.
Foreign students were able to try traditional Russian dishes and took part in games and dances.