The All-Russian Civil-Patriotic Dictation Was Held in VVSU

The All-Russian civil-patriotic dictation "My love, my soul is Russia!" was held at VVSU in the "Tochka Kipeniya" VVSU place with the support of the Presidential Academy of the Scientific and Educational Theological Association.
The dictation was organized as part of the events of the "Youth Policy" block of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority - 2030", which is being implemented by the Government on behalf of the President of Russia.
The participants of the dictation had to complete tasks on history, culture, civic identity, religion and law. Also this year, in accordance with the theme of the year, a new block "Year of the Family" was added.
About 50 students of the Institute of Information Technology and Data Analysis and the Engineering School of VVSU took part in the event.
The main goal of the dictation was to strengthen civil peace and harmony in Russia, as well as the unity of the peoples of the country on the basis of an all-Russian civic identity.