VVSU Students Study Culture and Language Exchange Program in China

VVSU students took part in exchange program in China. They are staying there until the end of the semester. In our article, the students talk about where they get new experience, what goals they set for themselves, what they learn about the culture of the Celestial and about the interesting sides of the eastern country.
Ekaterina Grebenshchikova, 3rd year student
I decided to go on the trip with my boyfriend. We study in the same group and we are actively studying Chinese. The main requirement for getting an internship is the absence of academic debt. The better the academic performance, the higher the chances of successfully getting into the program.
My language internship is taking place at the Harbin University of Commerce. It is aimed at comprehensively improving the level of the Chinese language: listening, reading, writing and speaking practice. I chose the program for one semester, although it is possible to go for a whole year, but this will require taking an academic leave. At the end of the program, you will need to pass an exam.
The main goal is to significantly improve the level of the Chinese language. I plan to prepare for the international HSK exam (editor''''s note: Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - a standardized qualification exam in Chinese for international students) and aim to pass level 5 (editor''''s note: there are six levels in the system: the higher, the better your language skills). Although this seems like a rather distant achievement at the moment, I am sure that I can get closer to my goal with small steps.
While studying, I learned how life is organized in China. Many things are organized differently here than in Russia, which is logical.
For example, WeChat and Alipay applications are widely used, which play a key role in everyday life.
Immersion in a foreign language environment turned out to be interesting, but not without difficulties. The Dongbei dialect is used here, which complicates communication a little, although this is not critical. Among the elderly, almost no one speaks English; communicating with young people is also not always easy - not all of them speak English more or less fluently.
Perhaps, it was a revelation for me that the Chinese treat Russians very well, even with great interest. Many are happy to communicate, sometimes even ask for our WeChat. Someone asks to take a photo. Those who are shy, take photos secretly, but they cannot do it unnoticed. Once, students took photos with us for about two hours - this is no joke.
I was surprised that the food here is inexpensive and very tasty!
And I cannot ignore the situation on the roads. Unlike Russia, pedestrians here let cars pass. It is absolutely normal to quickly cross the road or stand right in the middle of a busy highway, waiting for cars to pass.
Timofey Chernyshov, 3rd year student
I got an internship through the international office. I chose Harbin University of Commerce (Harbin). I am learning the language, I want to improve my level as much as possible.
I got used to it very easily - it is easy to get used to everything. I learn 200 hieroglyphs a day – I will definitely not forget this experience!
Maxim Korolev, 2nd year student
I wanted to participate in exchange program to China and I went to the international department of VVSU with this question. I filled out the application form, collected the documents, and received a visa. At the end of August, I flew from Vladivostok to Dalian, and from there to Xi''''an. There, at the airport, we were met by students from Bangladesh, who were sent by the Chinese department. They helped us get there, told us about the university, and helped us to move into the dormitory.
I got used to it pretty quickly, because I was mentally preparing myself for the fact that I was going to a region where there is a small Russian-speaking population, unlike, for example, Harbin. That is why there are not many candidates for an internship in Xi''''an. Few are ready to go where all the students are English-speaking, where you will have to get used to it yourself, get a bank card, a SIM card, build logistics yourself, study local maps. Foreign students will help, of course, but you can only speak English with them.
I wanted to go to the central region of the country, where the Chinese culture is 100% authentic and preserved.
My goal is to get a positive experience and learn the language. I have already improved my calligraphy skills. If before I used hieroglyphs on the keyboard mainly, now I write a lot by hand, it is useful.
One of my goals is to visit as many interesting places as possible. I have a rough plan, I have already walked around and driven through some of the locations.
I am very impressed with the city. Xi''''an is the cultural center of China, traditional Chinese architecture, design, and drawings have been preserved here.
In the PRC, they are very sensitive to their heritage and try to restore it, remake it in order to preserve the memory of their ancestors. Of course, I have not yet visited even half of what is in Xi''''an, but even those places I have visited left a positive impression.
Here shopping malls can be stylized as ancient architecture, and temples stand opposite skyscrapers. It looks beautiful, because architecturally everything fits together.
For example, we went to the center of Xi''''an, where there is a huge temple in old architecture, but it is used as a hotel and a night market. It is located right in the center of the city and looks very cool.
I was very impressed by Mount Lishan and I want to go there again. It is not very high - 1,400 meters, but it offers a beautiful view of the city. Although it is a natural object, the mountain is well prepared for tourists. There is a small park for recreation, a cable car, restored temples, a watchtower and an observatory at the top - this is how old and modern China combine.
Well, another reason is the climate. It is warm in Xi''''an and there are no frosts.
At the end of October, technical students from Kazakhstan and a delegation of Russian teachers came to us on an exchange. They shared that they were very happy with this opportunity, because China has a high level of qualification of technical specialists, many places for exchanging experience and doing internships.
During the exchange program I learned a lot of new and interesting things about this country. For example, cash is outdated in China - locals are very scared when they see it.
Very kind and responsive people live here - wherever you go, they will try to help you.
By the way, in the Celestial Empire, I developed my financial literacy. I kept track of my expenses, tried to optimize spending in another country.
In terms of cultural exchange and experience, this internship will definitely remain in my memory and give me an unforgettable experience.