International Russian-Chinese Seminar Held at Vladivostok State University

The International Scientific and Methodological Seminar of Young Scientists "Modern Culture of Russia and China: in the Space of Dialogue" was held VVSU. Postgraduate students of the Institute of Creative Industries of Vladivostok State University held a virtual meeting with colleagues from China.
Master''''s and postgraduate students of friendly universities took part in the open dialogue: Harbin Normal University, Xi''''an University of Architecture and Technology, Dalian University of Informatics Neusoft. Postgraduate students Wei Dantong, Ma Hajun, Liu Shusheng and Gu Jiayuan spoke on behalf of Vladivostok State University. For three years now, the students have been studying at the Institute of Creative Industries and are now sharing their knowledge with their compatriots.
The meeting was held in a virtual educational space. Young scientists presented the experimental parts of their dissertations and exchanged information about the peculiarities of studying in Russia and China.
A great discovery for Chinese colleagues were the first-year students of VVSU Peng Liming, Lin Tong and Lian Chengming. The students, who arrived in Vladivostok just three months ago, not only prepared academic reports, but also demonstrated an excellent level of proficiency in Russian.
The scientific supervisors of the seminar participants were teachers of the scientific school of Professor Nina Alekseevna Konopleva - associate professors of the Department of Design and Technology Lyudmila Melnikova, Natalya Martynova, Tatyana Metliaeva and Elena Batishcheva.
The scientific and methodological seminar "Modern Culture of Russia and China: in the Space of Dialogue" is one of the main platforms for the exchange of knowledge and experience between young scientists from both countries. It contributes to the strengthening of international cooperation in the cross-cultural years of Russia and China.